AWANA Clubs meet September through March on Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Calvary Baptist Church.  We're looking forward to our Registration Night on September 23 and regular Awana nights beginning September 30.  Although masks are not required, clubbers are welcome to wear them if they choose.  We will be social distancing as much as possible and using hand sanitizer between segments of the evening.  Please call if you have concerns or questions!

Commander: Jan Wooster (712) 782-3579

Secretary: Alissa DeVore

Cubbies--Ages 3 through 5

Sparks--Kindergarten through 2nd Grade

T&T (Truth & Training)--3rd through 6th Grade

What Is AWANA?

“AWANA” is an acrostic of Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, taken from 2 Timothy 2:15. Awana is an international, non-denominational, Bible-centered organization that began in 1950 and has spread throughout the world. We began AWANA in 1994. Currently AWANA meets in over 100 other countries, and in the United States (all 50 of them) there are more than 11,000 AWANA Clubs!

What Happens in Awana?

A typical evening begins with the Flag Ceremony. We say the pledge to the American Flag, the Awana Flag and open the meeting with prayer. The rest of the night has three parts: Game Time, Handbook Time, and Council Time. Game Time makes use of the unique Awana Square. We have anywhere from two to four teams based on the square colors: red, blue, green, & yellow. Council Time includes singing, a Bible message, announcements, and awards. Handbook Time allows the Clubbers to pass sections in their entrance booklets and handbooks. We recognize Clubbers who pass major achievements the following week and at our Annual Awards Night.

Parents are always welcome to visit any AWANA night. We especially encourage parents and other family members to attend special nights such as the Caroling, Grand Prix, Awards Night, etc.


Rules, Rules, Rules!

Yes, we must have a few of those!
1. Clubbers should wear tennis shoes for Game Time.
2. There is no gum chewing at any time.
3. All running should be downstairs during Game Time (not upstairs).
4. After AWANA, Clubbers should “sit on the steps” or in the foyer while waiting for their parents to pick them up.
5. Restroom breaks are before and after Club, or between Game Time, Handbook Time, and Council Time.


Cancellation—AWANA will be canceled due to bad weather whenever IKM-Manning cancels school.

Points can be earned for the following. . .
50-Attending AWANA
50-Bringing your Bible
50-Bringing your handbook
50-Bringing 50¢ dues
50-Attending Sunday School *
50-Wearing your uniform
50-Wearing your uniform to school
25-Devotions (per day)
50-First-time visitor
100-2nd time visitor
150-3rd time visitor
150-Passing a handbook section

* You do not have to attend Calvary Baptist Church.

Additional Information--

The team that has the most points will receive a treat the following week.


Clubbers earn Awana shares based on how many points they earn each week.

Several times a year, Clubbers go to the Awana Store to spend these shares.

They also earn shares for passing Handbook Awards, for Club Attendance, for Sunday School Attendance, and for bringing visitors.


Sparks can earn a prize each time they say 5 sections 3 times. T&Ts earn $5.00 toward our church camp each time they say 5 sections 5 times. When a T&T finishes his/her book, Calvary Baptist will pay half of that clubber’s camp fee!

—When a clubber who is in Sparks or T&T passes 8 sections in one month, they earn a special reward!


Green Stuff—How much does it cost to come to Awana?

Dues are 50¢ a week per Clubber. If parents desire, dues may be paid in advance. Dues help pay for awards, Awana Store items, and other supplies.


Cubbies= (none needed), Sparks=$10.00, T&T=$9.00

Vests:  Cubbies=$10.00, Sparks=$10.00

T-Shirts: $5.00

Free, but if a Clubber loses an award, we ask that he/she pays for the replacement.

Grand Prix car kits--Go on sale in February for $3.50.


Key Dates for 2020-2021:

Registration -- September 23

First Night -- September 30

Hayride --  October ___

Plaza Birthday Party -- November ___ 

Caroling -- December ___ (Covid permitting)

Rec Night -- January ___

Parent Appreciation -- February 10

Grand Prix -- March 21

Awards Night -- April 7